TriCipher, Inc. provides strong authentication and identity management technologies to protect web applications and enterprise portals, the people that use them and the business processes that flow through them against fraud and identity theft. The myOneLogin service from TriCipher combines strong authentication, single sign-on and federation as an on-demand service.
Awana has been a leader in children's and youth ministry for nearly 60 years. Awana is the only organization with fully integrated evangelism and discipleship programs for ages 2 to 18 that actively involve parents, church leaders and mentors. Each week, more than a million children and youth, 250,000 volunteers and 300-plus field staff take part in Awana in over 17,000 churches in the U.S. and internationally.
Like many nonprofits that are watching their costs, Awana decided that the most cost-effective way to manage their computing needs was to use web-based applications and software-as-a-service. According to Michael Litz, Manager of Networking and Computer Services for Awana, "We'd like to put everything in the cloud, and use other people's infrastructure rather than maintaining our own."
When Awana decided to move from in-house Microsoft Exchange to Google Apps including Gmail for mail, the issue of lost and forgotten passwords had to be addressed. Not only would Gmail represent one more account and password to manage, but password sharing was a concern. Some individuals wanted to be able to delegate the ability to check their email inbox to an assistant. Awana wanted to enable email delegation without sharing the actual accounts and passwords.
Awana found myOneLogin on the Google Solutions Marketplace. myOneLogin offers tight integration with Google Apps using SAML-based federation. By enabling the SSO option within Google Apps, Awana can ensure that users only connect to Google Apps using myOneLogin. This means that their Google Apps accounts are now protected with the strong, two-factor authentication provided by myOneLogin.
myOneLogin also solved the problem with delegated inboxes. Using myOneLogin, it is possible to give an individual access to an application without actually giving them the password.
Awana included myOneLogin as part of the Google Apps rollout; to access their email, users needed to use myOneLogin. Awana also added to the portal the other applications used by the organization, including Salesforce, Citrix, Aetna, and many others. Says Litz, "Once people started using myOneLogin they saw how convenient it was for accessing all of their web applications. In this case, seeing is believing."
Today Awana's users can access all of their web applications easily, no matter where they are. Help desk calls for password resets are a thing of the past, as are calls asking how to access specific applications and URLs. Using myOneLogin and web-based applications lets Awana focus on its core mission, rather than maintaining and supporting on-premise applications.