Tuesday, May 12, 2009

Yokozuna and Postino

YOKOZUNA CO. is a developer of high availability SSO and portal systems. We deal with the research and development of high technology applications.

Postino operates a free multilingual user interface mailing system in a number of countries.


The aim of Postino.net was to establish a unified login interface containing all its systems and reduce software development, hardware investments and costs at the same time. They were also looking for an e-mail server background that would be capable of operating in different languages.


Postino.net chose Yokozuna’s solution that unified the user interface and harmonised the server background, while migrating correspondence information and the users’ database into the Google Apps Partner Edition programme.  

Yokozuna devised a new system on the basis of the Google Apps SSO and Provisioning Toolkit packages. It is more than a simple Google Apps integration because it provides unique design and data registration, and a direct marketing tool integration. E-mail service to 7 countries is done with the use of a common frontend. Mailboxes, e-mails and contact information were transferred into the Google Apps system.


"The Yokozuna solution made it possible to decrease the number of hardware and software in operation as well as the simplification of administration and customer support with a single sign on system." - Eszter Mogyorósi, owner of Postino.